The rainy season brings snow to the Ecuadorian mountains, less people come to climb them. We are now in low season, from March until May. Nevertheless, we have many sunny days, which we use of course for training and other activities (e.g. rock climbing), living “ECUADOR EJERCÍTATE”.
We exercise our clients, ourselves and last week we invited local kids to join us for some rock climbing exercises. The walls of Baños de Agua Santa were our targets. Just next to the river Pastaza, looking up to the Canopy track, we gave it a try. Nice routes for beginners as well as for experts are available.
For getting started we focused on security, explaining some basics about the equipment, informing about securing techniques and finally teaching the kids the knots and further to equip themselves: first getting into the harness, checking if everything is properly closed & save, then putting on the helmet and the chalk bag, so that grip is granted in the wall.
Afterwards the rope, making the knot and putting oneself on the rope. One more thing is missing for getting started – the shoes. Every time a bit of suffering getting into these tight climbing shoes! A last check of everything before it’s time to give it a try, climbing up the rock.
Excited kids, impressed by their own abilities, overcoming their fears and climbing up to the top … for sure, with lots of respect! It’s incredible to see, how fast the kids gain confidence in themselves, improve their abilities and enjoy the activity. The consciousness about the positive effects of sports on their own body and health can so become an important help for forming their character and building a solid base for an active future, staying away from bad habits.
Visit our website for more information about the activities we offer: